What contributes to well-being in each domain? Gaining and using knowledge Learning to solve problems High intellectual well-being Physical Intellectual Emotional Social Financial Gaining and using knowledgeġ0 What contributes to well-being in each domain? High physical well-being Exercising and getting enough sleep Eating well Medical care Physical Intellectual Emotional Social Financial Taking care of your body Physical Financial Intellectual Social EmotionalĨ What contributes to well-being in each domain? Positive It has positive characteristics You enjoy it Enjoy Relationships It involves relationships with others Meaning It provides meaning to your life Achievement It makes you feel successful Are there other reasons an activity makes you happy?ħ Well-being can be divided into five domains

Does the activity make you feel gratitude, joy, love, enthusiasm, and satisfaction? Do you love or enjoy the activity? Do you lose track of time when you do this activity? Does the activity involve spending time with people you enjoy? Do you find meaning in the activity or feel it is important? Does the activity make you feel successful?Ħ Stand if you have an activity that makes you happy because… High well-being comes from feeling good about your life A happy person High well-beingĤ Characteristics of people with high well-being…Īre positive Feel gratitude, joy, love, enthusiasm, and satisfaction Love what they do Actively engage in activities such as work and play In healthy relationships Relationships are loving and dependable Activities and relationships are important to themselves, others and often involve giving Find meaning in life Feel achievement Feel successful in their activities and relationshipsĥ What makes you happy? Refer to column 2, “Why does this activity make you happy?” Using the characteristics of high well-being, add to your explanations.

Five activities that make you happy Explain why that activity makes you happy Add one of the following icons: Icon Explanation Example $$ Requires money Going to a movie theater Playing a video game may not cost money at the time but at some point the gaming console/video game probably cost money May not cost money at the time but at one point cost money $ Costs absolutely no money Hanging out with friends WHAT ARE FIVE ACTIVITIES THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY? WHY DOES THIS ACTIVITY MAKE YOU HAPPY? $$ = ACTIVITY DIRECTLY COSTS MONEY $ = ACTIVITY INDIRECTLY COSTS MONEY = ACTIVITY COSTS NO MONEY WHAT WELL-BEING DOMAIN(S) DOES THIS ACTIVITY CONTRIBUTE TO? 1. Presentation on theme: "Money in Your Life Advanced Level."- Presentation transcript:Ģ What makes you happy? Five activities that make you happy