Another exciting feature in Left 4 Dead 2 is the online scoreboard. To unlock additional missprotons and premium features, you can download DLC for Left 4 Dead 3, which is an extra proton pack that can be downloaded. In Left 4 Dead 2, the enemies have their own classes, known as Boomers and Hunters. In Left 4 Dead 2, there are five game modes: Singleplayer, Versus, Survival, and the Campaign. Defend yourself from zombie attacks as well as perform a variety of interesting tasks in order to survive this world. It is necessary to go through a large number of levels, separated by shelters-well-sheltered and warm rooms that cannot reach any infected. The object of this game is to survive in a universe that has been infected by an extremely dangerous and deadly virus, which has turned everyone into zombies and the dead. Left 4 Dead 2 Mobile APK - finally it's here! Several players have been waiting for this, and now the legendary first-person action game is available on your smartphone.